La marcación funciones son las que esten disponibles en el actual lua state desde donde se ejecuta así que es compatible con cualquier sdk.
Al dar el código fuente pueden modificarlo como quieran (como que sólo retorne cierto html, etc.) pero eso ya va de ustedes.
Link to pastebin:
Aca el mismo script analizado por si mismo:
1 --[[lua2html by WeBuLtRa v0.9]]-- 2 function lua2html(sFile, sFileOut) 3 local keywords = { "while", "function", "for", "require", "elseif", "if", "then", "else", "do", "repeat", "until", "end", "return", "true", "false", "and", "not", "or", "local", "nil", "break", "in"}; 4 local functions = {":write", ":read", ":close", ":seek", ":gsub", ":find", ":gmatch", ":format", ":lower", ":upper", ":sub", ":byte", ":reverse", ":rep", ":len", ":dump", ":char"}; 5 local operators = {"%+", "%#", "%-", "%*", "%=", "~", "%."}; 6 local t = {}; 7 local sF =, "rb"); 8 if sF then 9 local function print_r(a,b) 10 if b ~= _G then 11 if type(b) == "function" then 12 table.insert(t,a); 13 print(a); 14 elseif type(b) == "table" then 15 for x, y in pairs(b) do 16 if type(y) == "function" then 17 table.insert(t,a.."%."..x) 18 print(a.."."..x); 19 end 20 end 21 end 22 end 23 end 24 table.foreach(_G, print_r); 25 local function ParseScript(s) 26 local tFs, tVars = {}, {}; 27 for key in string.gmatch(s, "function ([%w%._%:]+)") do 28 table.insert(tFs, #tFs+1, key) 29 end 30 for key in string.gmatch(s, "(%w+%.%w+) = function") do 31 table.insert(tFs, #tFs+1, key) 32 end 33 return tFs; 34 end 35 local function CheckKeywords(line, multi) 36 if not multi then 37 for x,y in pairs(keywords) do 38 line = line:gsub("([%W]+)("..y..")([%c%s%;%,%(%)]+)", 39 function(a,b,c) 40 return a.."<span style='color:blue;'>"..b.."</span>"..c 41 end 42 ); 43 line = line:gsub("^"..y.."%s", 44 function(b) 45 return "<span style='color:blue;'>"..b.."</span>"; 46 end 47 ); 48 end 49 end 50 return line; 51 end 52 local function CheckOperators(line, operators, multi) 53 if not multi then 54 for x,y in pairs(operators) do 55 line = line:gsub(y, function(a) return "<span style='color:red;'>"..a.."</span>" end); 56 end 57 end 58 return line; 59 end 60 local function CheckFunctions(line, t, multi, color) 61 if not multi then 62 for x,y in pairs(t) do 63 line = line:gsub("("..y..")%(", function(a) return "<span style='color:"..color..";'>"..a.."</span>(" end); 64 end 65 end 66 return line; 67 end 68 local function CheckALL(line, multi,t, tFs, functions) 69 line = CheckKeywords(line, multi); 70 line = CheckFunctions(line, t, multi, "darkorange"); 71 line = CheckFunctions(line, functions, multi, "darkorange"); 72 line = CheckFunctions(line, tFs, multi, "red"); 73 line = CheckOperators(line, operators, multi); 74 line = line:gsub("('[%w%d%s]-')", function(a) return "<span style='color:darkmagenta;'>"..a.."</span>" end); 75 return line; 76 end 77 local function CheckStrings(line,t,tFs,functions) 78 line = line:gsub("(.-)([\"].-[\"])", function(b,a) return CheckALL(b, multi,t, tFs, functions).."<span style='color:darkmagenta;'>"..a.."</span>" end); 79 line = line:gsub('(".+")(.+)', function(a,b) return a..CheckALL(b, multi,t, tFs, functions) end); 80 line = line:gsub("('[.]+')", function(a) return "<span style='color:darkmagenta;'>"..a.."</span>" end); 81 return line; 82 end 83 local sText = ""; 84 local sRaw = sF:read("*a"); 85 local tFs = ParseScript(sRaw); 86 sF:seek("set"); 87 local comment, multi, d = false, false, 0; 88 for line in sF:lines() do 89 d = d + 1; 90 local g = "<span style='background-color:yellow;' name='linea' >"..d.."</span><span name='linea' > </span> "; 91 line = line:gsub("[^%w]", { ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">", ["&"] = "&", ["'"] = "'", ["="] = "=" }) or ""; 92 if not comment then 93 if line:find("%-%-%[%[") then 94 line = line:gsub("%-%-%[%[", function(s) return "<span style='color:green;'>"..s; end); 95 if line:find("%]%]") then 96 line = line:gsub("%]%]", function(s) return s.."</span>"; end); 97 else 98 comment = true; 99 end 100 sText = sText..g..line; 101 else 102 local waka = false; 103 if line:find("%-%-") then 104 local a,b,c,e,f = line:find("(.-)(%-%-)(.+)"); 105 if a then 106 if c:find("[\"].-[\"]") then 107 c = CheckStrings(c,t,tFs,functions); 108 waka = true; 109 else 110 waka = false; 111 end 112 if c:find("%[%[") and not c:find("%]%]") then 113 c = c:gsub("(.+)(%[%[.+)", function(a,s) return CheckALL(a, multi, t, tFs, functions).."<span style='color:darkmagenta;'>"..s; end); 114 multi = true; 115 end 116 if not waka then 117 c = CheckALL(c, multi, t, tFs, functions); 118 end 119 if not c:find("%[%[") and c:find("%]%]") then 120 c = c.."</span>"; 121 multi = false; 122 elseif c:find("%[%[.+%]%]") then 123 c = c:gsub("%[%[.+%]%]", function(s) return "<span style='color:darkmagenta;'>"..s.."</span>"; end); 124 end 125 end 126 line = c.."<span style='color:green;'>"..e..f.."</span>"; 127 else 128 if line:find("[\"].-[\"]") then 129 waka = true; 130 line = CheckStrings(line,t,tFs,functions,d); 131 else 132 waka = false; 133 end 134 if line:find("%[%[") and not line:find("%]%]") then 135 line = line:gsub("(.+)(%[%[.+)", function(a,s) return CheckALL(a, multi, t, tFs, functions).."<span style='color:darkmagenta;'>"..s; end); 136 multi = true; 137 end 138 if not waka then 139 line = CheckALL(line, multi, t, tFs, functions, d); 140 end 141 if not line:find("%[%[") and line:find("%]%]") then 142 line = line.."</span>"; 143 multi = false; 144 elseif line:find("%[%[.+%]%]") then 145 line = line:gsub("%[%[.+%]%]", function(s) return "<span style='color:darkmagenta;'>"..s.."</span>"; end); 146 end 147 end 148 sText = sText..g..line; 149 end 150 else 151 if line:find("%]%]") then 152 sText = sText..g..line.."</span>"; 153 comment = false; 154 else 155 sText = sText..g..line; 156 end 157 end 158 end 159 sF:close(); 160 local sStart = [[<p>Archivo: %s<br/> 161 Total de lineas: %d<br/> 162 Total de funciones propias: %d ( 163 <span style='color:gray;'>%s</span> )<br/> 164 <input type='button' id='b' onclick='expand();' value='Expandir/Contraer codigo'/> 165 <input type='button' onclick='hideLinea();' value='Esconder numero de linea'/> 166 <input type='button' onclick='ShowLinea();' value='Mostrar numero de linea'/></p>]]; 167 sStart = sStart:format(sFile, d,#tFs, table.concat(tFs,', ')); 168 local sFinish = [[<script> 169 var e = document.getElementById('formated'); 170 var b = document.getElementById('b'); 171 function expand(){ 172 = 'auto'; 173 = 'auto'; 174 b.onclick = contraer; 175 } 176 function contraer(){ 177 = '800px'; 178 = '300px'; 179 b.onclick = expand 180 } 181 function hideLinea(){ 182 aL = document.getElementsByName('linea'); 183 for(var i=0;i<aL.length;i++){ 184 aL[i].style.display = 'none'; 185 } 186 } 187 function ShowLinea(){ 188 aL = document.getElementsByName('linea'); 189 for(var i=0;i<aL.length;i++){ 190 aL[i].style.display = 'inline'; 191 } 192 } 193 </script>]]; 194 local sRet = sStart.."<pre id='formated' style='text-align:left;width:800px;height:300px; overflow:scroll;'>"..sText.."</pre><h3>Raw code</h3><pre style='text-align:left;width:800px;height:120px; overflow:scroll;'><code>"..sRaw.."</code></pre>"..sFinish; 195 if not sFileOut then 196 return sRet; 197 elseif type(sFileOut) == 'userdata' and string.find(tostring(sFileOut), "file") then 198 sFileOut:write(sRet); 199 elseif type(sFileOut) == 'string' then 200 local sO =, "wb"); 201 if sO then 202 sO:write(sRet); 203 sO:close(); 204 return true; 205 else 206 return nil, "Couldn't open destination file"; 207 end 208 else 209 return nil, 'jeje'; 210 end 211 else 212 return nil, "Couldn't open file"; 213 end 214 end